Niepoort Vintage 2019 75 cl

kr. 595,00

14 på lager



Dirk Niepoort er vel Douro-boys’ mest interessante winemaker. Oftest ses han iført poloshirt og knælange bukser med store lommer i siden til gren-saks og notatblok. Han brænder for at skabe noget nyt i Douro-dalen, det mærkes med det samme. Han taler med stor entusiasme og er nærmest ustoppelig, når han er blevet varm.
Særligt engageret bliver han, når snakken falder om druetyper. Han er absolut ikke begejstret for kun at skulle producere på kun “de store fem”. Dvs. Touriga Nacional, Touriga Francesca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca og Tinta Cão. Tværtimod mener han, at de flere hundrede sorter i regionen er med til at gøre vinene unikke og fyldt med terroir.

Vidunderligt balanceret, elegant og med en imponerende eftersmag. Niepoort har gjort det igen, skabt en uforglemmelig velsmageende ny Vintage Port.

Ved køb af 6 flasker leveres vinene i orig. uåbnet trækasse.

The 2019 Vintage Port is a field blend from old vines (80 to 100 years old) aged for 21 months in large Portuguese oak vats. It comes in with 88 grams per liter of residual sugar and 19.3% alcohol. This was seen about three months after bottling. In its own notes, the winery says it emphasized balance and elegance, and that is certainly a fitting summary of this wine. Let’s not forget, though, the appealing aromatics laced with some eucalyptus and the grip on the finish. Plus, the texture is sensual and caressing on the palate. Then, the fruit adds waves of flavor. This finishes with some power and pop, making it a good candidate for the cellar. The tannins are not too hard, though, and they are nicely controlled. Its freshness will also serve it in good stead as it ages. If there’s a quibble, it most certainly is not the most concentrated Niepoort ever. Everything else is super, however. This should have good aging potential and the ability to improve more. It’s worth noting that on the first day tasted, this was good but not great. A couple of days later, it was far more impressive, still tight, precise and focused. This is not quite on the level of the 2017, which had better fruit in my view, but it is a good example of what the winery can do. There were 39,754 bottles produced, plus some half bottles and larger formats.

Robert Parker 96 point.

Information om vinen

Vintype: Portvin
Land: Portugal
Område: Douro