Hacienda Monasterio, Ribera Del Duero 2021 75 cl
kr. 350,00 - kr. 395,00
42 på lager
Hacienda Monasterio er et af Ribera del Dueros helt store navne. De seneste årti er denne vin blevet mere terroirpræget og mindre manipuleret end før i tiden. Samtidig er man fra 2018 årgangen gået over til at vinificere mindre plots hver for sig i mindre tanke (8.000/10.000 liter) af stål eller eg. Druerne udvælges fra i alt 100 hektar økologisk certificeret vinmarker i det vestlige Ribera del Duero.
Vinen præsenterer en intens rubinrød farve og en kompleks bouquet af modne røde frugter, krydderier og subtile hints af vanilje fra fadlagringen. Smagen er fyldig og velafbalanceret med silkebløde tanniner og en lang, vedvarende eftersmag.
Robert Parker 95 point.
The superb 2021 Hacienda Monasterio was produced with 80% Tempranillo, 15% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Merlot/Malbec cropped at 14.5% alcohol from a cool year. The soils have a high proportion of limestone that marks the wines with a stony and chalky personality, and this 2021 has even more restraint and seriousness. The oak is neatly integrated—it spent 18 months in French oak barrels, 20% of them new, with a small portion in oak vats and 500-liter foudres. Carlos der Río compared it with the 1996 (possibly the greatest vintage at the property… together with this?), a year with clean, ripe fruit, contained ripeness and alcohol and terrific balance on the palate. It feels like it can age for a very long time, as it has the components, the freshness and acidity and the balance to develop nicely in bottle. This is the direction they want for future vintages. They produced 237,200 bottles. It was bottled in June 2023.